Creating Confidence from the Outstide-In

Our Certified DMK Specialist in Columbus Ohio provides state-of-the-art botanical science using the DMK skincare system.


How are DMK ENZYME TREATMENTS different than Normal Cosmetic Facials?


Cosmetic facials are very nice and relaxing, but they often times only focus on the outside. They exfoliate dead skin, moisturize dry skin, hydrate fine lines, help to temporarily dry out pimples… BUT their results are temporary, and they do not improve or address the problem that caused the issues in the first place.


That is where DMK skin revision comes in- DMK enzyme therapy treatments are designed to work to improve the skin at the cellular level. The DMK Enzyme Treatment is the most powerful, effective method for hydrolyzing dead cell material from the skin tissues, detoxifying the cells of impurities and lifting and tightening it for firmer, youthful, glowing and healthy skin.

What are DMK Enzymes?

DMK Skincare systems include a range of unique enzyme treatments that work with the skin rather than merely acting on it.

In very simple terms, enzymes are living substances in your skin and body that keep your cells functioning properly. DMK is the ONLY company in the world to utilize the beneficial effects of transfer messenger enzymes to restore your skin to its peak condition. The DMK Enzyme treatments aid in restoring harmony in the skin by stimulating the skin’s own natural enzymatic activity.

DMK Philosophy


Remove the dead skin cell build-up, which leads to the appearance of dry skin, fine lines and skin discoloration. The primary method of removal is based on enzyme hydrolyzation (enzymatic treatments that change dead cell material into
a weak acid and flush it away) bringing new skin cells to the surface


Rebuild by restoring the skin’s vital internal processes to optimal function. This enables the cells to stay alive longer and perform optimally for healthier, younger looking skin.
DMK Skincareâ„¢ oils, serums and spritzes are utilized in the rebuild phase of the DMK concept.
Their ingredients work either directly on the skin’s cells in a process called ’direct delivery’ or can cause a chain reaction called ‘the domino effect’.
They restore the acid mantle by penetrating the epidermis, simulating the actions of the sebaceous gland and the sudoriferous gland secretions, to provide natural skin tone and moisture.


Protect the skin from the sun, free radicals, glycation and other environmental factors that lead to premature aging using potent antioxidants.


Maintain skin function with DMK Skincareâ„¢ Home Prescriptives to prolong the results achieved by DMK Skin Revision Professional Treatments. The DMK concept provides clients with lifelong skin management programs to incorporate into their daily lives.


Why choose DMK Enzyme Therapy for your skin?

What Happens "Behind The Scenes"?

DMK Enzyme Therapy creates a “Reverse Osmosis” Action, otherwise known as “Plasmatic Effect”. It is a back flushing action which forces fluid through the membranes around the cells flushing out impurities. It does this by utilizing transfer messenger enzymes. These are cells that communicate with each other, increasing circulation and delivery fresh, oxygenated blood to the skin. You’re left with a clean, clear, healthy environment for cells to thrive and function at an optimal level.




Reactive Skin

Texture And Fine Lines/Wrinkles


Broken Capillaries


Large Pores

Treatment Time:

Initial Treatment

Follow-Up Treatments

Our Promise to You

We are passionate about supporting you, and your skin care journey.

To achieve this goal:



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