Pure Health Aesthetics & Wellness

Free Consultation: (614) 839-1044

#1 Hair Loss Treatment in Columbus

What is Keralase™ Hair Loss Treatment?

Keralase™ is a hair loss treatment that utilizes a fractional 1927nm laser to effectively deliver a proprietary growth factor solution, KeraFactor™. This method has been proven to significant improvements in hair density and thickness, as well as visible hair growth. The procedure is quick, comfortable, and requires no recovery time. It is advised to undergo a series of six treatments, with intervals of 2-4 weeks between each session.

About the Lutronic Ultra™
The Lutronic Ultra™ laser is first used to prepare the scalp, to create microchannels, enhancing scalp microvasculature and optimize the absorption of the KeraFactor™serum.

What is KeraFactor™ Growth Factor
KeraFactor™ serum contains 8 bioidentical growth factors specifically selected to combat and treat the visible signs of hair loss. KeraFactor™ is a serum designed for use during an in-office procedure and is NOT TO BE INJECTED. The serum contains a specific selection and concentration of growth factors and skin proteins. The specific concentration of each derived growth factor is created specifically to stimulate the hair follicles, thus improving hair texture and thickness. The growth factors are delivered in a nanoliposomal carrier to increase absorption into the depth of the follicle. KeraFactor™ promotes hair regeneration, boosting scalp skin and hair appearance, and revitalizes resting hair follicles, leading to visibly fuller, thicker, healthier-looking hair.

Hair restoration treatments like Keralase™ have become the most popular treatments among clients struggling with hair loss or just hair thinning. Pure Health Aesthetics & Wellness is the leading hair restoration clinic in Columbus.

To get started, call us now to schedule or learn more at 614-839-1044 or schedule online.

KeraFactor & How This Patented Hair Regrowth Works

Keralase™ Before & After

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair Loss Restoration


Before learning about our innovative laser hair treatments, you should understand why you’re experiencing hair loss in the first place. Many different factors can cause you to lose hair. The following are three of the most common causes of hair loss, balding, or thinning.  


As you age, it is very normal to experience balding or thinning hair. Men may see a receding hairline or hair loss on their crown due to the natural decline in testosterone that occurs with age. Many women see thinning hair or hair loss when they begin menopause. 


Stress is another leading cause of hair loss or balding. Periods of extreme stress can lead to more hair falling out due to drastic hormonal fluctuations. Hair loss can also occur due to physical stress caused by ongoing illness. In some cases, hair loss due to stress is temporary, and the hair will return after your cortisol level has been regulated and balanced.

Hormonal Issues

One of the main causes of hair loss is hormonal fluctuations. Anything that causes a hormonal imbalance can result in thinning hair and balding. Hormones can fluctuate due to aging, underlying health conditions, pregnancy, and many other events. If you would like to know if hormonal issues are playing a role in your hair loss, you can learn more about Hormone Therapy HERE.

Whether you have age-related hair loss or thinning hair due to a hormonal imbalance, the team at Pure Health Medical may be able to help. Finding the cause of your hair loss is just as important to us as treatment of the hair loss. To determine the cause and whether laser hair restoration is right for you, all of our clients are thoroughly evaluated, and a proper recommendation is discussed about their hair loss options.

Call 614-839-1044 to learn about our hair restoration in Columbus, Ohio. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Keralase Hair Treatment

YES.  With that being said, men and women tend to lose hair for different reasons. The cause of your hair loss may affect how quickly you see results or how pronounced your results are.

While many hair restoration patients are older, this treatment is also available to younger clients. As long as you are 18 years of age, you can seek hair restoration.

Before you can begin Lutronic ULTRA with KeraLase treatment, you will have a hair restoration consultation. The providers at our KeraLase hair regrowth center need to assess your hair loss and go over any relevant medical history to determine whether you are a candidate for this treatment. 

We will also discuss your desired outcome to ensure that it can be achieved through Keralase.

Laser hair regrowth therapy is a safe, comfortable procedure. We apply a topical anesthetic to the scalp before your session. This anesthetic prevents you from feeling the Lutronic laser being applied. Most patients report feeling nothing during their hair restoration treatment, making it a relaxing process.

The length of your laser hair restoration session will depend on your unique needs. Most sessions take only 20 to 30 minutes to complete. If you have more severe hair loss, your session could take 45 minutes to an hour.

One reason our ULTRA laser hair treatment is so popular is that it has NO downtime and requires little recovery. After your session, you can resume most of your normal activities right away. 

We do recommend that you avoid direct sun exposure to the scalp. You should also avoid scratching or rubbing the scalp too intensely in the days following your treatment.

You will need more than one treatment to see optimal results from our hair restoration process. Most patients have about six sessions spaced several weeks apart.

You will likely wait a few months to see the results of your hair restoration treatment. It takes time for your hair follicles to respond to the laser and for new growth to occur. Many patients see more hair growth about three months after completing all of their treatment sessions.

If you still have questions about the KeraLase treatment, a consultation with an expert can help. Schedule an appointment at Pure Health Medical for more information on the complete hair restoration process.

Yes we do! Some of our clients want the most natural treatment for hair loss.  We love results using PRP which is why we started with PRP as our treatment of choice.  However due to advancements we found Keralase treatments are more comfortable and quicker for clients and does not require and number. There are several studies showing the benefits of using PRP.  Here is one such study. PRP vs. Medication.  You can also read our blog on why Keralase outshines PRP.

A few years ago, PRP treatment was the best choice option for hair loss restoration.  However, advances and innovations have been made and Keralase is the new top dog for a number of reasons.  Read our blog on why Keralase outshines PRP. However, we do have clients prefer the more natural approach which is why we still offer it as a treatment option.

One session of the Keralase Laser treatment will cost $800.  There are also package pricing that lowers the per treatment cost by a sizable amount.  Call for more details at 614-839-1044

Yes, there are specialized retail products that can be recommended for longer lasting results.

These include:
KeraFactor Shampoo & Conditioner is formulated to exfoliate and invigorate both scalp and hair. It employs a distinctive blend of conditioners and growth factors aimed at boosting scalp circulation and revitalizing the scalp. Regular use of this conditioning shampoo, in conjunction with other KeraFactor products, contributes to the development of hair that looks fuller, possesses more body, and is healthier overall.

The KeraFactor Scalp Stimulating Solution is an exclusive topical hair fortifying solution that merges the KeraFactor Peptide Complex with additional ingredients known to stimulate the scalp, fostering hair that is stronger, smoother, thicker, and appears fuller.

Find Hair Restoration Near You Today

Pure Health Office

Looking for a natural hair loss treatment in Columbus? Pure Health Aesthetics & Wellness is a leading laser hair restoration center in the Columbus area. We work with patients who have thinning hair, balding, and severe hair loss. If you are looking for more information go to our blog HERE

Our team is knowledgeable, caring and skilled at helping each patient and their unique hair loss condition.

To find out whether you are a candidate for Keralase Hair Restoration, contact us now at 614-839-1044 or book online