
Pure Health Medical

Free Consultation: (614) 839-1044

Imagine...More Energy, Restful Sleep and Restored Sex Drive!

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Lewis Center

Free Hormone Optimization Assessment

Top Rated Natural HRT Clinic Near You

Over time, hormone levels decline — especially estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. As a result, your body can experience adverse symptoms, including weight gain, mood changes, loss of energy, problems sleeping, hot flashes, memory loss, low sex drive and other symptoms. 

Our office specializes in hormone replacement therapy offering a safe, effective way to replace lost or low hormones naturally using bioidential hormones. 

Find the Quality of life you’ve been looking for and discover your potential today! Call our HRT clinic at 614-839-1044.

What are the Signs of Hormone Deficiency?

As you age, your reproductive cycle that begins functioning at puberty slows and prepares to stop. Unfortunately, as the process slows, your hormone production also declines. 

While all adults begin producing fewer hormones with age, women frequently experience dramatic fluctuation in their hormones during perimenopause and menopause. Symptoms can appear gradually, or patients can suddenly notice changes in how they feel. Menopause can last ten years or longer. Then, as the ovaries shut down production, it becomes erratic, and hormone levels fluctuate wildly.

Common symptoms of hormone imbalances include:

  • Irritability 
  • Unexplainable weight gain
  • Joint and Muscle pain
  • Depression or loss of interest in previous activities
  • Muscle loss
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of interest in sex

While women are the only ones who experience menopause, both men and women can experience hormone imbalances and the symptoms above, including hot flashes. In addition, men may also experience erectile dysfunction and increased body fat in the waist area. Andropause, or “male menopause,” results from a testosterone deficiency and is also treatable with BHT .

Chronic lack of necessary hormones can have severe, long-term repercussions on your health, including: 

  • Diabetes
  • Dementia / Alzheimer’s 
  • High cholesterol
  • Depression

The consequences of hormone imbalances can affect more than your mood. If you’re experiencing fluctuating hormone symptoms, call our BHT clinic in Lewis Center, OH, at 614-839-1044 to schedule an appointment and learn how we can help.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

BHT pelletsThe bioidentical hormones used in our hormone therapy program, are created to biologically mimic the hormones your body produces, hence the term bioidentical. 

Biote’s Bioidentical hormones come from plants, both the yam and soybean (these are allergy free). While many manufactured hormones are available for hormone therapy, bioidentical hormones are the exact match to the natural hormones found in your body. At Pure Health we focus on Pellet insertions.  These pellets are the size of a grain of rice.  They are injected under the skin usually in the buttock region.

This molecular similarity is essential, as it allows the body to absorb the bioidentical hormones easily. Physicians prescribe bioidentical hormones in many forms, including pills, gels, patches, creams, shots, and pellets. Your Certified BHT doctors in Lewis Center, OH, will work with you to determine the best option for your needs.

The most common hormones in bioidentical hormone therapy are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.


The primary hormone the female body produces is estrogen. It regulates reproductive function, feminizes women during puberty, and declines after menopause. Lack of estrogen can cause poor sleep, mood swings, dry skin, osteoporosis and night sweats.


While progesterone is mainly known as a pregnancy hormone, the dramatic drop in progesterone that occurs during menopause can cause several adverse side effects, including migraines, sleep problems, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and moodiness.


Testosterone serves as men’s primary reproductive hormone. However, women also need testosterone, but in smaller amounts. Testosterone levels begin declining around ages 30-35 and continue to trend downward. Low testosterone levels can cause decreased muscle and bone strength, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, and lack of sex drive.

Both men and women can benefit from BHT. So if you’re seeking a natural, safe, and effective way to restore your body’s hormone balance and get your life back, call our offices at 614-839-1044 to learn more from our expert BHT doctors in Columbus, OH.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

What is BHT?Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) uses processed hormones to restore balance to waning or fluctuating hormone levels. The body’s hormones serve as chemical messengers, telling various body parts how to work. Almost all of the systems in the body require hormones to function correctly.

Even mild hormone imbalances can produce adverse side effects. Therefore, at our BHT clinic in Lewis Center, we offer hormone replacement therapy treatment for patients looking to restore their hormone levels and get back to the quality of life we deserve.

Call Pure Health Medical at 614-839-1044 today to schedule an consultation for hormone replacement therapy and discuss your symptoms and our available treatment options. 

Why Choose Hormone Pellet Therapy over other Options?

While a single treatment method that works for everyone does not exist, Pure Health Medical prefers hormone pellet therapy in Lewis Center, Ohio, when possible. One of the critical benefits of pellet hormone therapy is consistency. 

Both oral and transdermal therapies, such as creams and gels, supply an ample dose of hormones at once, and then the levels decline. As a result, patients continue to experience hormone fluctuations and the subsequent symptoms of those variances, such as inconsistent energy levels and mood swings. 

Hormone pellet therapy provides a steady flow of hormones, preventing those fluctuations and consequences. In addition, since bioidentical hormones are plant-based and chemically indistinguishable from your natural hormones, they’re used efficiently.

The Biote Method used at Pure Health Medical in Dublin or Lewis Center offers several advantages, including:

  • Continuous availability of the hormones
  • Convenience, as pellets generally last three to five months
  • Lack of need for daily reminders or treatments
  • Bone density support
  • Cognitive and sexual function support
  • More than 15 years of clinical data to show proper dosing, efficiency and safety. 

In addition, pellet therapy allows the body to control hormone release based on your needs at the time. The hormones absorb directly into the bloodstream, so they aren’t compromised in dosage or effectiveness by the liver and digestive system. 

If you’re experiencing a hormonal imbalance and interested in learning if hormone pellet therapy in Dublin or Lewis Center is right for you, call our offices at 614-839-1044 to schedule a consultation with our team. and learn how we can help.

What to Expect from Our Hormone Therapy Clinic

Pure Health Office

HRT Clinic 
There are many different ways to administer Hormone Therapy.  At Pure Health we specialize in Biote bio-identical hormone replacement pellets.  While hormone pellet therapy has been around since the 1930s, many patients are unfamiliar with the process. Hormone pellets are small — about the size of a grain of rice — and are customized for men or women to balance and regulate fluctuating hormone levels. 

Hormone pellets are inserted under the skin in the buttocks, and the procedure is simple and fast. However, there are some steps you’ll need to go through before your insertion. 

Comprehensive Lab Testing and Pellet Production 

After meeting with our certified team about BHT in Dublin, Ohio, and determining that hormone pellet therapy may be a good option, you’ll need blood work to identify your imbalances, the hormones you need, and the proper amounts. Every patient’s hormone levels are different, and this step allows us to customize your dosage.

Hormone Pellet Creation

Once we understand your needs, we can create your hormone pellet based on your prescription. Making a bioidentical hormone replacement pellet considers your body’s composition and hormone levels. 


We’ll have your custom pellet waiting when you arrive for your insertion procedure. Hormone pellets are best absorbed through fatty tissue, so most patients have their pellet inserted into the buttocks. 

We begin by cleaning the insertion site and applying a local anesthetic. When you are fully numb, we’ll make a tiny incision and insert the pellets. Once the pellets are in, we’ll bandage the site, and you can resume your day. Insertion requires no stitches, and the process takes less than 20 minutes.

Post-Insertion Care

We advise patients to keep their wound dry and their bandage on for 48 hours. After which, you can change the dressing and shower. Avoid soaking the incision site for the three days following your insertion, skipping baths, hot tubs, and pools. 

Otherwise, you can maintain your regular activities. 

Follow-Up Care

We will schedule a blood test four to six weeks after your first pellet insertion to ensure your hormone pellets correctly supply your needs. Patients who continue hormone pellet therapy will have labs drawn every three to four months to ensure their dosing remains accurate before we create new pellets. 

If you are seeking a consistent, natural option to restore your hormones to the proper levels, our team strives to help you feel your best. Call Pure Health Medical for pellet hormone therapy in Lewis Center and Dublin, OH, at 614-839-1044 today.  

What Patients Are Saying?

Testimonials From Female BHRT Patients

Testimonials From Male BHRT Patients

Hormone Therapy Reviews

Tisha Perreira
Tisha Perreira
I had Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy at Pure Health Medical. The staff was amazing and the experience was smooth. I was thoroughly educated on how the BHRT works and how safe it is. I’m so happy that it will increase my libido, decrease my brain fog, help me sleep better, decease my risk of cardiovascular disease, decrease my risk of breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, and help build my bones thus decreasing my risk of osteoporosis. I am already feeling better and it’s only been a short while. Everyone should call Pure Health Medical for a free consultation. Quality of life is so important! Thank you Pure Health Medical!
Spencer Dawes-Bailey
Spencer Dawes-Bailey
Spoke with Dr. Marcotte and some of the other staff members here about some of the issues I was having, like weight gain and struggling to lose it, low mood, very irritable, and having no energy or drive to want to do anything. They took the time to really help me figure out what was going on and recommended the Biote Pellets. The procedure was pretty noninvasive and only took minutes to do. After about 2 weeks, I've noticed my energy level has grown and continues to grow, and my mental state has gotten much better as well. I'm not so groggy or fatigued all the time. If any of this sounds familiar to you, I would highly recommend it! The Docs and staff are very knowledgeable and have been incredibly helpful!
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