
Pure Health Aesthetics & Wellness

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Person receiving Ultra skin resurfacing

Laser Acne Scar Removal & Treatment

What Causes Acne?

Young, and in some cases middle aged people as well, can suffer from pimples around certain parts of their faces, neck and back. Many teens will finally get past this right of passage while moving into adulthood and, with the right skin care, will generally have clear skin through adulthood. For others, acne problems can leave scars, creating a constant visual reminder that their skin is flawed. 

Medical definitions for acne say it is an inflammatory disorder of the skin where sebaceous or oily glands, connecting to a hair follicle, are trapped under the skin. Normally, this oil expends itself through the pore where the hair follicle is located. If the oil remains stuck in place over days, bacteria can collect in the plugged-up follicles and pores and the area under the skin becomes inflamed and sore to the touch. 

Never mind that it hurts and looks unsightly when you view in the mirror or in pictures. You want it gone now. The usual temptation is to squeeze that knobby annoyance. However, this is not always the safest way to resolve a pimple issue as this technique can lead to infection and scarring can occur. 

Adding to the aggravation is that acne has several different versions: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pimples or pustules, nodules, and severe nodular acne.

Getting acne can be genetic if your parents had acne in their younger years. Another reason for acne could be hormonal which changes quite a bit during those teenage years. Stress and/or eating too many sweets may exacerbate the acne condition since bacteria and yeast love sugar. 

Pure Health Medical has a proven track record in successful treatment for acne prone clients called the Pure Health Acne Bootcamp.  To learn more, click Face Reality Acne Treatments. 

What to Expect with Laser Therapy

Laser Acne TreatmentWith functional medical therapy, the acne laser treatment is just one part of a full-fledged acne treatment program that may also include a change of diet, following scheduled facial treatment, facial saunas (helps open up pores), and/or using medical grade creams at scheduled times. Laser treatment affects each person differently based on many variables.

How it works: Lasers may work in the following 3 ways:

  1. Kills acne bacteria: Much like at-home light devices, lasers work primarily on the premise of exciting compounds that bacteria produce called porphyrins.2 When the laser light excites the porphyrins, this damages the bacterial wall, effectively killing the bacteria.3 Fewer acne bacteria should help reduce symptoms of acne.
  2. Reduces skin oil: Laser treatment may also reduce skin oil (sebum) levels. Generally speaking, less sebum = less acne.
  3. Reduces inflammation: Lasers may have anti-inflammatory properties. Since acne is at its root an inflammatory disease, reducing inflammation can help reduce acne as well.

After receiving a laser treatment, you might encounter side effects such as redness, slight swelling, stings, or burning sensations which typically go away in a day or two. Your treatments may occur once a week, over four weeks, and you may already see a change of 50 percent reduction in facial spots. Better results occur even a few weeks later after the last laser treatment. Depending on your specialists recommendations, this likely is not the time to let up on the rest of your treatment program of prescribed skin cream and/or specialized diet.  

Laser treatment for acne is a great option for many patients who are wanting to see results and in a short duration of time.

Contact Pure Health Medical for Laser Acne Treatment Today

Picture of the front entrance of Pure HealthAt Pure Health Medical, we specialize in providing personalized treatment for each of our patients. See why we’re different right away when you enter our clinic and speak with our knowledgeable team. 

If you are ready to schedule your laser acne treatment or would like to learn more about Acne treatments, call Pure Health Medical now at 614-839-1044.

Please feel free to contact our office at (614) 839-1044.

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