
Pure Health Aesthetics & Wellness

Free Consultation: (614) 839-1044
PRP Knee Injection


What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma which is composed of a component of the blood called platelets, and plasma, which is the liquid part of blood. When you donate plasma, the liquid is separated from the blood, and both are saved for use in different medical remedies. In the cases of PRP, more platelets are concentrated and added on top of what is considered a usual sample draw of blood. 

Once the blood draw is in a tube, it is put into a centrifuge where it spins until the platelets separate from the other blood components and are now concentrated in the plasma residue. This concentrate of platelets and plasma is injected as a rejuvenating stimulation healing treatment for various injuries of the knee, rotator-cuff and elbow, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and more. These areas have traditionally been treated with steroids, particularly for athletes, but that is only a short-term panacea for pain without any real rejuvenation of the damaged cells and has damaging consequences such as decaying the surrounding tissue causing weakening and susceptibility of re-injury to the area. 

As the blood draw comes from the patient, there is no chance of rejection. It is recommended that the patient be hydrated before the draw is taken. You also want to avoid any NSAID at least one week before a PRP injection so that the body can heal.  NSAIDs work well to decrease inflammation but they also prevent healing.

PRP: A Natural And Effective Option Compared to Dangerous Steroids

PRP injection for knee pain

One of many studies has shown PRP to be the better option for musculoskeletal pain. The conclusion of this study showed PRP appeared to enable biological healing of the lesion, whereas CS appeared to provide short-term, symptomatic relief but resulted in tendon degeneration.

PRP injections cannot be used at the same time as steroid injections, as steroids would interfere with the rejuvenating effects of PRP. When using PRP, you are working on a long-term effect for permanently fixing the problem area. Steroid injections are a quick symptomatic fix for pain and inflammation and can sometimes create complications that PRP doesn’t. 

If you have taken a steroid injection, you must wait for one to two weeks before having a PRP appointment to draw your blood sample. One week before, discontinue anti-inflammatory medications, blood-thinning herbs, or supplements. The doctor will advise you on how to eat clean for the days following the PRP injection to aid the body in healing and repairing.

Let Us Help You End Your Pain

Pure Health Office

At Pure Health Medical, we utilize a personalized approach for each patient. Especially when considering PRP therapy, it’s important for our experienced specialists to understand your condition and how long you’ve had the issue and what (if any) medications you are taking. Check out our PRP therapy page to learn more about how our treatment works and if this could be an ideal solution for your condition. 

If you are ready to schedule an appointment at our Lewis Center, Ohio clinic or would like to learn more about our proven pain renewal program using PRP, contact us now at 614-839-1044.

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