red light therapy for improved vision

Red Light Therapy for Improved Vision

Red Light Therapy is gaining recognition for its ability to enhance energy, sleep, and reduce inflammation. With ongoing research, its applications are expanding. Recently, it has been shown to positively affect the gut microbiome and boost collagen production. Moreover, it’s now being associated with maintaining eye health especially vision beyond the age of 40. Red Light Linked To Improved Vision In a 2021 study, subjects were exposed to Red Light Therapy for three minutes weekly. This led to a 17-20% improvement in visual acuity. Specifically speaking, single exposures to 670 nm light delivered in the morning, at only 8 mW/cm2 has the ability to improve cone photoreceptor function in aged subjects to levels commonly found in much younger individuals and can be sustained for up to a week. Let’s explain these findings further. The metabolic rate and the aging process are both influenced by how well the mitochondria works. However, as we age, the mitochondrial membrane potential decreases, leading to a reduction in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, which is crucial for cellular energy. Furthermore, aging accelerates cellular decline due to the increased production of inflammatory reactive oxygen species (ROS), which destroys the healthy cells.1. Retinal photoreceptors have the greatest mitochondrial density and metabolic demand in the body and age rapidly2. A pivotal point in their functional ageing in the human retina appears to be around 40 years3. Subsequently 30% of central rods progressively die, and while cones remain, they have reduced functionality4,5,6,7. While few human experiments have been undertaken with long wavelength light in ageing, daily exposures to relatively bright 670 nm light over weeks in aged humans has been demonstrated to improve rod and cone function3,8. Which means vision improves as we age! Best Time to Do Red Light Therapy For the greatest improvement from Red Light Therapy, exposure should happen within 3 hours of waking. The researchers found no improvement in color contrast vision in the participants receiving light exposure in the afternoon. The timing is likely because mitochondria follow the body’s circadian rhythms, and according to Professor Glen Jeffery. Additionally, the study also found that improvements in vision lasted up to 1 week, so the researchers encouraged weekly use of Red Light Therapy to see continued improvements. For more information about red light therapy and treatments you can visit our website at Red Light Therapy – Pure Health Medical. References: López-Otín, C., Blasco, M. A., Partridge, L., Serrano, M. & Kroemer, G. The hallmarks of aging. Cell 153, 1194 (2013) Wong-Riley, M. Energy metabolism of the visual system. Eye Brain 2, 99–116 (2010). Shinhmar, H. et al. Optically improved mitochondrial function redeems aged human visual decline. J. Gerontol. Ser. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 75, e49–e52 (2020). Curcio, C. A., Millican, C. L., Allen, K. A. & Kalina, R. E. Aging of the human photoreceptor mosaic: Evidence for selective vulnerability of rods in central retina. Investig. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 34, 3278–3296 (1993). Neveu, M. M. et al. Electroretinogram measures in a septuagenarian population. Doc. Ophthalmol. 123, 75–81 (2011). Weinrich, T. W. et al. No evidence for loss of short-wavelength sensitive cone photoreceptors in normal ageing of the primate retina. Sci. Rep. 7, 1–7 (2017). Silvestre, D., Arleo, A. & Allard, R. Healthy aging impairs photon absorption efficiency of cones. Investig. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 60, 544–551 (2019). Gkotsi, D. et al. Recharging mitochondrial batteries in old eyes. Near infra-red increases ATP. Exp. Eye Res. 122, 50–53 (2014). Contact Pure Health Medical for Red Light Treatments Today At Pure Health Medical, we specialize in providing personalized treatment for each of our clients. See why we’re different right away when you enter our clinic and speak with our knowledgeable team.  If you are ready to schedule your red light treatment or would like to learn more, call Pure Health Medical now at 614-839-1044. Book Appointment New Patient Information

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