Pure Health Aesthetics & Wellness

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Functional Medicine

IBS / IBD A 42-year-old female with an 11-year history of irritable bowel syndrome and fatigue had consulted with four medical physicians. • Traditional medical approach – Medical testing included an upper and lower GI study and colonoscopy. All found negative for any pathologies. Treatment consisted of the prescription hyoscyamine. Results were poor. • Functional medical approach – Following an extensive history and review of her medical records, a digestive stool test and an allergy blood test were done. Two bacterial pathogens were found: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Citrobacter freundii. The medical literature clearly linked these pathogens to diarrhea disease. An allergy test revealed a significant sensitivity to gluten and rice. The patient was prescribed a natural pharmaceutical that helped eradicate the two bacterial pathogens and was placed on an elimination diet addressing the rice and gluten. After one month, she was symptom-free.
Girl in pain from PMS A 53-year-old female with menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, decreased libido and weight gain for a period of five years had consulted with only one medical physician. • Traditional medical approach – No medical tests were performed. Treatment consisted of the prescription Estrace. Results were fair; however, the patient was concerned about the potential side effects. • Functional medical approach – Following an extensive history and review of her medical records, a female hormonal panel was ordered. Result: Tests showed that the estrogenprogesterone balance was significantly compromised — too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. This was the main cause of the patient’s mood swings. This test result was presented to her medical physician and she was prescribed the proper balance of therapeutic hormones. The patient eventually went to a compounding pharmacy for a customized formula of estrogen and progesterone. She has been symptom-free and experiencing an increase in energy. In addition, she has lost 54 pounds in eight months.​
Woman experiencing swelling with swollen wrist A 56-year-old male with psoriatic arthritis, experienced worsening symptoms of pain, decreased range of motion, swelling in his extremities. He was on several pharmaceuticals, which did not adequately control his symptoms. He was evaluated in five areas of potential imbalance: Immune Surveillance and Inflammatory Process, Hormone and Neurotransmitter Regulation, Digestion and Absorption, Detoxification and Biotransformation, and Psychological and Spiritual Equilibrium. After five months of following the recommended treatment consisting of supplements and dietary and lifestyle changes, the patient was markedly improved, with an 80% reduction in overall pain, improved mobility, and decreased swelling. He discontinued or reduced his medications. Additional benefits of the treatment were elimination of constipation, reflux, and migraines, improved mood, and weight loss.
Happy smiling 12 year old boy isolated on white background A 12-year-old male presented with severe dysgraphia, environmental allergies, asthma, insomnia, eczema, canker sores, migraine headaches, muscle cramps, stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea. He was on seven medications, and his behavioral symptoms were still not under control. He had never received a positive teacher report. The patient was evaluated in all the areas of potential imbalance. His treatment included removing yeast and antigenic foods and adding needed micronutrients and probiotics. After just two months, his behavior and many of his symptoms stabilized or absent. By six months, he was free from all his chronic symptoms, and his dysgraphia had improved.

Chiropractic Rehab

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our Healthcare Specialties

Find real solutions to problems that traditional medical care can’t solve. Instead of only treating symptoms, we focus on treating the root cause. ​

Correct your misalignments so your body can heal and return to a harmonious state. We get quick results by focusing on moving you forward with every appointment.

Start feeling younger today through one of our Renew and Repair therapies. From biologic therapy to rehabilitation and IV nutrients, we have a way to improve your quality of life.

Get your confidence back and reverse the signs of aging skin with our customized medical-grade facials and treatments.